Friday, March 8, 2013

Image Editing and the Real World

Hello Friends!

I have been stuck in bed recovering from pneumonia!  It finally snowed here in Illinois and I can't go out and play in it yet!  I have been praying that it stays cold enough so that I can share a few toboggan rides with my family!  Handsome Husband and Gracie have kept the backyard snow pristine so we can all build a snowman together; hopefully tomorrow!

I watched the bunnies play outside in the snow last night.  One little guy hopped over to the Sunroom door, placed his little paws on the glass and peered inside.  My heart melted in a thousand different directions!  His footprints remain.  I think I will photograph them before they...and the memory..melt away!

I have been fussing with Pixlr, a free online photo editing tool.  

In the Before shot, you can see the orangey railing that the tapestry hangs on. I never really liked that railing.  I know you have heard me complain about it often enough.  I will be painting it but, still, this railing is like a balcony to nowhere. I edited the photo to make it look as if the tapestry were hanging on a wall.  It looks better but I would then have a half wall leading to nowhere.  I really love the tapestry here but it had to go.  *cue violins*

Goodbye tapestry!

This architectural fragment was in the basement.  I dragged it up when Handsome Husband was running errands (he would have killed me himself if he caught me)!  It just barely fit above the desk and beneath the railing. 
He cannot lift it because he injured his shoulder at work when he fell down a flight of stairs (!)

 We make a lovely pair, no?

Here is the same image as above with the Hagrid effect and the Soft Vignette overlay.

Then there is the issue of the gap.  I cannot edit that out.  I had to move the Breakfast Room rug when I put the new armoire in because the room was all cattywampus...asymmetry as far as the eye could see...more on that another day!

Here is the same vignette as directly above, but with the Hagrid effect and a Bronze Vignette overlay.

This is the first piece of furniture I painted when we moved in...craft paint rubbed with aluminum foil.  For those of you who don’t know about my aluminum foil technique, it is found in my Rags to Riches post.  I added the gilt onlay to the front drawer.  I wish I had a before photo of this desk!
In case you cannot tell, there are feathers under the cloches.  I found the tall jar at the Grocery Store!

Here is the same image as above, but with the pixlr Hagrid effect.

Here is a photo showing the railing above the desk.  In case you noticed, yes, that is a cat toy to the right of the desk!  One of thousands!

Stefan, of  the always fascinating Architect Design Blog , suggested I paint the railings high gloss white and the rail high gloss black.  It will be stunning when complete!

The image editor is an awesome tool to show you how your ideas will look without actually having to move a thing. However, not all of those ideas can be conveyed into the real world!  Well, they can be, of course, but at great expense.  Sometimes we just have to work with what we have!




  1. Poor little Andi! I'm sorry you've been so sick! That's awful but you must be so much better if you're planning getting out in the snow! You listen to your bloggy mom and wrap up really well! :) Your home and all of your furnishings are just so gorgeous. That desk is beautiful too.
    You are a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. Fun tool you found there Andie and I love your architectural fragment. I can't believe you dragged it upstairs with pneumonia of all things you should be resting!

    Hey I just bought a piece of furniture yesterday and you've inspired me it's getting painted and it needs it badly. More about that later.

    Feel better and REST!

  3. I'm so sorry to hear you've been sick Andie, feel better! You have so many beautiful pieces, I absolutely love the architectural piece you added above the desk! It all looks beautiful!

  4. ANDIE! I am so sorry to hear that you had pneumonia? Oh dear...I bet that little bunny just warmed your heart! We have tons of the little angels in our yard and we have had SO MUCH snow that all you see are BODY prints in the snow. The little darlings sink in the deep stuff then you can see their foot prints in the shallow areas. Their prints look like cowboy boots to me! AND our rabbits also come up to the deck and peek into the French doors! The squirrels as even bolder. My goodness.

    Well sweet one, please be well and I love what you have done with your home, both with Pixlr and your own talents!

    I hope to get the "green light" from you on those illustrations?

    Be well, Anita

  5. I like this a lot more -although the tapestry reminded me of the old castles where they have the tapestries sort of casually flung over banisters. So sorry to hear you were ill but happy you are better, just in time for spring!
    I still like my suggestion of white pickets and black railing - I stand by my recommendation!

  6. Andi, sad to hear that you are fighting pneumonia. One of many nasty virus lurking around this season. My husband has been fighting a virus since late December. Hope you are feeling much better soon. I suspect it's difficult to keep you on bed rest. The beautiful architectural fragment in it's new spot.....I rest my case. '-)

    Rain here today and hopefully through the weekend. Yea! Your snow is beautiful, but I suspect that you and most are ready to see some signs of spring. Take good care and get better soon.............Sarah

  7. So sorry to hear about your pneumonia!! My husband had it in Dec. and it took a good almost 4 weeks until he was feeling totally take good care and do hope you are feeling better very soon! I love both pictures both with the beautiful tapestry and the architectural piece...both pictures totally look magazine worthy.
    Feel better!!

  8. Get WELL !

    So little time for pics, always edit while taking pic or don't take the pic at all.

    And, get well fast.

    XO T

  9. Dear Andie... sending Healing Energies your way... The Man just got thru a Hospital stint with Pneumonia and other Health Complications, so please take it easy so you don't have a relapse... ie: NO MORE DRAGGING HEAVY ARCHITECTURAL SALVAGE OBJECTS UP FROM THE BASEMENT! *LOL* Photo Editing is such Fun and it makes me feel like quite the accomplished Amateur Photographer because I can make even the 'meh' Images seem presentable. Now I know what my Brother always meant when he said the Celebs and Entertainers and Models he Photographed never really look like that in person... lots of work is done with their PR Shots! *Back then it was airbrushing, etc...* LOVE LOVE LOVE your Rugs!

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  10. Get well soon, Andie. I don't think I have patience for photo editing and different effects, but they do look beautiful. Actually, I don't think the stair railing bothered me at all, it almost disappeared. xx's

  11. Andie love your home, and the painted white plan on the railing would melt them right into the blend of the walls making them not stand out with blonde up against the other wood tones.

    Love the piece you bring in to change the feeling of the rooms romance. You have great piece that allow you to change your mood of your home with little effort, I would so love to have a basement I could drag something of this grace and beauty as you do.

    A beautiful share and great effects with photo shop :)

    Well wishes and prayers to you and yours.


  12. First off, get better soon! How did you catch it? That is a shame. Our snow is melting by the minute...I hope you have some to play in tomorrow!

    I love your tapestry, you really have such an interesting and elegant home. I just started editing my pictures at Picmonkey which is also free and very easy to use (although I do have my moments!). It takes me twice as long to do a post but it's worth it.

    Can I bring you some chicken soup?


  13. Andie, after a longer look at the balcony railing I noticed that beyond it was steps that are in that same blonde tone...So what if someday you paint it all in white railings and trim work and grey staircase steps, hmmmm? It's a job and a half but would be wonderful results to the European feel to your home :)

    In any case your home is a place to admire the pieces of strength and over look any weak points that really don't matter. You have an amazing design style that deserves to be admired by all who see.


  14. get well soon andie! so sorry you missed the snow as it is supposed to start melting :-(

    never heard of any of this, off to check it out. thank you for another generous post

  15. Pneumonia - goodness - that's serious stuff! Hope you get well soon. But clearly, not even life-threatening illnesses can stop you from decorating! Love the look and am going to copy the feathers under cloches idea! Xx Sharon

  16. I was going to suggest you paint the railing too! I love the change you made. The little cat toy adds to the decor! lol

  17. Hi Andie! I'm so sorry that you've been ill and that your husband injured his shoulder! I hope you're both on the mend! Your table and vignettes are beautiful and it's neat seeing them with different photo techniques. I haven't used this program yet, but as I love to play with photos, I will be checking it out soon! Thanks for the info! Hugs, Leena

  18. Dear Andi,So glad you are feeling better. I adore your ingenuity and determination.
    You have the most interesting pieces and love how you put vignettes together.
    Art by Karena

  19. I am so sorry to hear you've been sick, Andie, but I hope you are feeling much better very soon! I've been battling a nasty cold for almost 3 weeks, and it's just no fun to be sick when you want to be up and doing things :) I love the way you've decorated your home--I find it very inspirational every time I visit your blog. You have snow--we are starting to have some lovely warm days here--I've been working out in the sunny garage starting seeds to bring inside and grow under lights! Do take care, rest and rejuvenate!

  20. I know your post is about image editing but I was distracted by that gorgeous desk and so thrilled you linked to the 'foil technique'!

    As a new viewer I thank you for your writing/posting style and of course, get well swiftly!

  21. Ora, que pena que você esteve doente, espero que estejas bem. Com esse tempo frio é um perigo. Tem que se agasalhar bem. Adorei sua decoração, ficou tudo maravilhoso.
    Bjos e tenha uma ótima semana.

  22. I love the desk and the tapestry, think i'll try that photo image site when I get home tonight

    so sorry you had pneumonia , I have known a few people with that this winter, however spring is here so get well, our snow is all gone over here in central Missouri

    hope you up and at it soon

  23. Pneumonia! thats pretty heavy stuff. Hope you are on the mend. When you're fit and ready you can pop over and cast some of your magic in our lounge which could do with your touch. I off to check out pixlr. Have a great weekend. Paul

  24. Oh, my dear Andie, pneumonia! I hope that by now, March 15th, you have recovered, or at least that you are on the mend.
    As for the railing, I agree that if you paint it the colour of the wall it will at least "disappear" somewhat".
    Hugs and lots of anti-pneunomia vitamins from Warsaw.

  25. Hope you are feeling totally healthy and renewed.
    Your painted pieces are beautifully done. And your animal loving heart is precious to this Earth. So happy I wandered through your door.

  26. Hopefully, you're feeling much better and either have recovered or are recovering from pneumonia. Sounds dreadful! Your home looks to be lovely and, possibly, old; is it? My home was begun in 1900 and finished in 1902 and is beautiful, even though we never finished renovation.

  27. Truly such a great information remarked by you. There are several photo editing tools to get the best result. Are you looking for professional image editing services then visit at The Pix.

  28. Hi Andi,So glad you are feeling better.Amazing concept. This looks so creative and divine. I just wonder how the photographer get this kind of creative ideas. Thanks for the details. The picture is outstanding.

  29. Amazing words you have written about image editing. Thank you very much for your kind information.


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