Friday, April 3, 2020

To the Dogs!

Hi friends!  I have been adding color to the house as fast as I can.  Though I love a monochromatic scheme, I don't live in in a Belgian castle.  Our home is more suited to English style...and that means color! 

We have finally saved enough to have all the upholstered treasures reupholstered.  
It has made a world of difference!

Today, I want to share the dog room.  It was formerly the music room, but the new piano was too big and we had to put it in the family room.  This is also the game room and the cat's favorite room, oddly.  lol  

 I had the starburst upholstery for years.  I found it on Craigslist.  It is perfect for the game table chairs.  There is still a LOT left over.  I am trying to decide where to use it?  I think it would be perfect on the Louis XV sofa that is still in the garage!  

The chair to the left of the painted secretary is upholstered in Schumacher Sherbrooke toile.  I just love it!  

In retrospect, covering a settee in velvet with so many pets, was not one of my most brilliant ideas.  There is a reason lint brushes are made of velvet!  

One of each, please!  

The stool is covered in Scalamandre toile.  It was a sample.  Just enough for one small seat!  

The green toile on the chairs was found on ebay.  $50 for 7 yards.  Just enough to cover two chairs and an ottoman!  

At Christmas!  

Clarence is our official chair inspector!  He has to sit on every piece that comes into the house, to make sure it is comfortable enough!  

The startburst fabric again.  I could do an entire room in this fabric!  

Every item you see, except for Clarence, was found on Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, Bookoo and OfferUp.  Even with upholstery, we paid far less than what an Ikea room would cost.  It will last far longer, as well!  

Next time, I will share the library!

Hoping you are well!



  1. Hullo! I'm new to your Theatre and am so impressed by what you've done. It is truly Divine! You didn't mention your tapestry hanging on the wall. Is there a story there, as well?

  2. Thanks for posting. I always enjoy seeing what you're up to.

  3. Good for YOU, Andie! I've recently had reason to investigate the retail prices of Schumacher, Scalamandre and Fortuny fabrics for an old friend who hopes to reupholster hi old family sofa, which after sixty-odd years of sitting has finally becoe so dilapidated as to be embarrassing when visitors arrive.

    I was truly shocked to see list prices higher than THREE-HUNDRED-DOLLAS per YARD for Scalamandre with Schumcher not far behind. Impossbe for all but the Suer Rich to obtain.

    Daunting –– to sy the least!

    As always, the Second-Hand or Thrift Store routes lead us to Salvation. ;-)

    All one needs is what YOU have in abundance –– Vision, Talent, Flexibility, Courage and PATIENCE.

    You've created a room here that any English Lord or Lady from olden times would have been proud to own.

    It's elegant, dignified, aristocratic, but cozy, warm and inviting all at once. Quite a feat!

    You are to be CONGRATULATED.

    Onward and Upward!

  4. Bt the way I love your graceful French-style caneback settee, but I feel it would show to MUCH greater effect with a THINNER cushion, covered in aa floral or even geometric print with a LIGHT oaten or wheat colored background. Something that ties in with the other colors you've chosen of course.

    Maybe even a pale yellow toile de jouie would work.

  5. Absolutely beautiful Andie. Show us more. It's so uplifting in these uncertain times. Thank you, Darla

  6. I neglected to say that your friend CLARENCE is a very handsome pussycat. Pure-Siamese or just Ppsrt-Siamese?.

    Doesn' matter. Either way he's BEAUTIFUL.

    Ho many pets do you have now, Andie? I hope they know how lucky they are to have been adpted by you!


  7. Gorgeous, as always, Andie.

    I especially like the blue and gold (Christmas pic) doorway. Too bad I'm so old and tired that these days I live like an old aristocrat with tatters and wishful thinking..

    Almost left the plaster pillars (that hold ferns in the summer) out on the back porch this winter.!! Me bad!

    Trying to pass on my best carpets and furniture but most younger ppl reject them and want bare naked white white white and black. and easy-to-clean bare floors. Depressing. Your house gives me so much pleasure!

    Thanks for coming back and brightening my day.

    PS Friend and I briefly toured "the country's biggest antique mall" in Verona. Virginia and we spotted a terrific turquoise and dark blue glass and gold metal lamp. 20 bucks. It goes perfectly with my 30 x 46 floral oil painting by the front door. A glow of happiness every time i turn it on! So easy to make some of us happy!!!LOL

    1. You like this lady???? She literally calls people of color “feral”. If you support her, what does that say about you?


    Where e’er you walk cool gales shall fan the glade.
    Trees where you sit shall crowd into a shade.
    Where e’er you tread the blushing flowers rise
    An all things flourish where e’er you turn your eyes.

    ~ from an aria in Handel's opera "Semele" libretto by Wm. Congreve

  9. TODAY Thursday, April 9, 2020, is MAUNDY THURSDAY - the Fourth day of HOLY WEEK

    The attempt to replace GOD's Holy Word with manmade GOVERNMENT mandates –– the SATANIC Marxian ideal! –– always has been, and always will be DISASTROUS.

    . . . Lift up your heads, O Ye Gates

    And be ye llfted up, Ye Everlasting Doors.

    And the Kng of Glory shall come in.

    Who is this King of Glory?

    The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle . . .

    HE is the King of Glory.

    Today is the day of The Last Supper. Tomorrow is Good Friday, the Day Our Lord Jesus Christ, was Crucified, and DIED to redeem OUR sins.

    Isn't it long past time we at the very least paid LIP SERVICE to honor and express gratitude for the immense sacrifice HE made for OUR sakes?

    As I get older and older (Saturday will be my 79th birthday), I realize more and more that God is, indeed, "our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble . . ." and that because that is so we, who believe in Him don't have to be afraid of anything –– not even DEATH.

    I hope everyone finds a measure of JOY in the SOLEMNITY of these times and especially the events in ou Liturgical Calendar.

    "Weeping may endure for the night, but Joy cometh in the morning."

    The highest form of BEAUTY may be found in the honest SACRIFICES we make for the sake of others. The LESS SELFISH we act the MORE BLESSED we become.


  10. I died for Beauty –– but was scarce
    Adjusted –– in the Tomb,
    When one who died for Truth was lain
    In an adjoining room.

    He questioned softly why I failed?
    "For Beauty," I replied.
    "And I for Truth –– the two are one ––
    We Brethren are," –– he said.

    And so –– as Kinsmen met a-night ––
    We talked between the rooms ––
    Until the Mmoss had reached our Lips ––
    And covered up our Names.

    ~ Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)

  11. Meditation on a Tragic Anniversary

    A radiant cloudless mornin
    ___ air fresh and clear
    ______sky the brightest blue
    _________ mood mellow
    A lovely young day bright with promise ––

    And then a gleaming silver shell appeared
    ___ mirroring beautifully the morning sunshine
    ______ A Thing of Beauty –– but horribly out of place
    _________ like a spacecraft from an alien planet

    Dipping crazily far too low upon the skyline
    ___ before anyone could feel the menace ––
    ______ it smashed directly into a gigantic upright construct ––
    _________ one of a pair ––

    Twin monuments to Greed and Vain Ambition some were quick to say

    But sudden violent death eradicated an entire investment firm
    ___ in one horrific instant ––
    ______ dozens of bright young lives incinerated –– gone!

    Before dazed onlookers could begin to understand what was happening
    ___ another silver shell acting as a missile
    ______ crashed into the second of the giant pair.

    Ugly buildings! A hideous blot
    ___ on the once-graceful Manhattan skyline.

    “Ada Louise Huxtable might secretly rejoice at this,”
    ___ part of me thought wickedly, for I had always resented
    ______ the overbearing, outsized twins ––
    _________ Bounders! Interlopers ! Invaders!

    But before that ruined day was halfway through
    ___ three-thousand innocents had been
    ______ burned alive, brains and eyeballs boiled
    _________ skulls pulverized, skeletons crushed
    _________ between twisting, white hot girders
    _________ pelted with falling rubble midst the flames
    _________ caught, crippled, crumpled, smashed to bits ––
    ___Smothered in collapsing stairwells and buried alive
    ______ in a torrent of red hot cinders and debris

    In so many ways the scene must have mimicked the final hours
    ___ of the residents of Pompeii and Herculaneum

    And then there were those hideous echoes
    ___ of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire ––
    Where so many jumped to their deaths
    ___ to escape being burned alive ––
    In an instant smashed skulls, broken bones and bloody pulp
    ___ were all that remained of their vibrant young lives.

    And not so long ago in Benghazi –– to mark the anniversary
    ______ of this Great Triumph of Barbarity over Civilization
    _________ our young, handsome, well-meaning,
    _________ hopelessly naive, ambassador to Libya
    ____________was surrounded in his quarters,
    ____________ dragged out into the streets
    ____________ beaten, sodomized and brutally murdered.

    But what does any of this matter? What difference does it make?
    ___ Let’s just forget about it, and MOVE ON.
    ______ Might as well.

    We are privileged to live in interesting times.

    ____________ Kyrie eleison!
    ____________ Kyrie eleison!
    ____________ Christe eleison!

    ~ FreeThinke


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