I had a bit of time the other day, my handsome husband was busy typing away on his zombie novel. Yes, he is writing a zombie novel! This is one book I cannot edit for him, however. I shy away from the walking dead whenever possible. In the event of a Zombie Apocolypse, I will have to rely on his extensive studies and expertise.
Gracie was in her playroom, drawing pictures of Peter Pan and Tinkerbell. Two different worlds!
This gave me a chance to paint a Craigslist mirror I purchased a year or so ago. You may recognize it. I apologize for this really awful photograph. In my zeal to get started on my project I neglected to take a before photo.
I love the garden theme of the mirror, though I am not really fond of the natural pine.
After two coats of Annie Sloan Paris Grey, Clear Wax and Dark Wax, I was done. Less than two hours, total! I used a blow dryer between paint coats to save time. A blow dryer can also be used to soften the Dark Wax if you need more open time. The mirror is rather large, over four feet tall and very detailed. It took more time to get the paint into the crevices. As an aside, we will be removing the hideous carpet on the stairs and painting them grey!
Handsome husband just read this over my shoulder and asked "what's so hideous about the carpet?" We have already discussed this.
Close-up of the garden implement detail, which is more evident with the Dark Wax. I am very pleased with the results!
Two hours...Mumford and Sons on the stereo, mom creating, husband creating, daughter creating...dog snoring, cats"helping"...a very good day, indeed!