Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Friends, we all know how blessed we are. I am amazed at all God has given me on a daily basis.  I am especially blessed to have a home.  Beyond that, I have more than I ever dreamed of!  More than many people do.  I am forever grateful to God for that.

The gentleman pictured below Samuel Bassett, lost everything in a fire last week, his home, his possessions, his beloved dog.  
Can you imagine?
Sam is an Air Force Veteran who served our country proudly.

His eight year old daughter lost all the gifts Santa brought too.

I was lucky to be able to contact his lovely fiancé, thanks to the efforts of the Chicago Police Department and the Greater Chicagoland Red Cross.

"Me and my best friend"

I am reaching out to my viewers to ask if you may have received a gift card this holiday that you can donate?  To my local followers, do you have anything that you are getting rid of that you can donate?  
They need absolutely everything.
I am willing to drive to pick up the items you do not need.




  1. God bless you for helping. What a heartbreaking story. I'll keep them in my prayers - praying for a double portion of blessing on them. XOXO

  2. Andie I would love to send a check or gift card but I am in Philadelphia. Can I mail it to you?

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  4. Pope recently said our pets do go to heaven. Ha, I already knew that. Though it still hurts to be here while they've gone ahead.

    Wish I were closer.....furniture in my garage to give.

    Garden & Be Well, XOT

  5. Andi, send your snail mail and I'll send a check.

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  8. Surely this is a site well worth seeing.


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